Helping people in Oxfordshire

Feoffees’ Donations Policies

There are five principal criteria, each of which should be satisfied by a successful applicant.
  1. Geographic: Any grant should support people in Oxfordshire either directly or through charitable organisations.
  2. Community benefit or relief of individual hardship: Any grant should support projects whose primary objective is to provide community benefit or the relief of individual hardship.
  3. Need: Where there is competition for resources, applicants should demonstrate a need for the support which cannot readily be satisfied elsewhere.
  4. Sustainability: Applicants should show that their projects are, or will in the medium term, become sustainable without reliance on the Feoffees’ funding.
  5. Making a difference: Grants, other than of a nominal amount, must be such that they make a difference to the recipient.

Grant Giving Announcement

St Michaels and All Saints Charities are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Oxfordshire Community Foundation (OCF) for 2024 Grant awards.

OCF have a long history of supporting over 200 charities within the County that provide crucial help to reduce the challenges of making ends meet and overcome barriers and inequalities that impact the ability of individuals and communities to live well and thrive.

Grant giving programmes range from Step Change and Better Mental Health to the Living Essentials Fund and information on OCF’s application process can be found at

Grant giving for 2025 will be reviewed in Spring.