Helping people in Oxfordshire

St Michael’s Oxford Educational Trust

The Trust is a small grant-making Charity, with limited funds available, to assist with the education or improvement in the quality of life of young people, under 25 years old, who are resident or work in, or close to, the City of Oxford.

Grants, usually of between £300 and £500, are made to individuals or voluntary organisations for these purposes. The Trustees prefer to help those from a less well off or deprived background, but they have a wide discretion.

Some examples of grants made recently are – £300 towards a teaching trip to Gambia; £300 for a computer for a formerly homeless person getting back on their feet; £204 towards a camping trip; £300 for dictionaries for students whose parents are asylum seekers.

If you would like to apply for a grant and think you might qualify, please write to – Rupert Sheppard, Clerk to the Trustees, The St Michael’s Oxford Educational Trust, St Michael’s Church Centre, Cornmarket, Oxford OX1 3EY. Tel: 01865 255772.

The Trustees of the Charity are: Michael Lear (Chairman), Lord Krebs, Patrick Beavis, Robert Earl, Professor Henry Woudhuysen and Dr Gerald Stone.

Registered Charity number 309553, The St Michael’s Oxford Educational Trust